Inclusion Ready News Term 1 2023
- Inclusion best practice
- Professional Learning
A quarterly inclusion newsletter produced by the KU Sector Capacity Building Program. Term 1, 2023.

Ready Set School Guide for Early Childhood Practitioners
A downloadable information book for Early Childhood practictioners to guide them in supporting the smooth transition of children with additional needs from the early childhood setting to school. Developed by Reimagine Australia.
- Transitions
- Inclusion best practice

Raising Concerns with Families
This webinar will outline helpful strategies to reach successful outcomes with families and includes the ‘how’, ‘when’ and ‘where’ of raising concerns, from identification of concerns, through to building a positive ongoing partnership with families.
- Families
- Inclusion best practice

Resilience for all – Be You webinar.
This webinar explores supporting a mentally healthy community; Children’s social and emotional learning and resilience; Risk and protective factors and how educators can support resilience for all children; Free tools and resources to promote resilience in young children. By Emma Woods and Karin Humphrey (Be You).
- Professional Learning
- Resilience