Webinar Recordings
Inclusion-related webinars, presented by experts and leaders in the field.
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QA7 Governance and Leadership
7.2.3 Development of professionals
Inclusion-related webinars, presented by experts and leaders in the field.
QA7 Governance and Leadership
7.2.3 Development of professionals
Learn about practical strategies to support children who present with behaviours often associated with feelings of anxiousness.
This webinar will focus on the importance of critical reflection and building educator’s confidence to think more deeply about their work and to question the impact of their practices on the lives of children and families.
This webinar will discuss the 'what', 'why' and 'how' of using Key Word Sign in the preschool setting.
Hear about how early childhood educators can work in partnership with families of children with developmental difference, championing a succesful and inclusive future for thier child.
Understanding our Obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act.
How can educators support the play development of play skills for all children?
Supporting development and knowing when to seek help.
Do you have developmental concerns about a child at your preschool, but are not sure what to do next? This practical two-part webinar will help you to put a plan in place.
This webinar will outline helpful strategies to reach successful outcomes with families and includes the ‘how’, ‘when’ and ‘where’ of raising concerns, from identification of concerns, through to building a positive ongoing partnership with families.
Dr Kathy Cologon explores the important considerations for creating a culture of inclusion in your preschool.
At times educators need to talk with parents about areas we think they might find hard, such as their child's development or behaviour.
This webinar presented will explore these challenges by sharing a model of change and will provide practical strategies for having effective conversations with parents on difficult topics.
This webinar will provide an overview of the evidence-based Pyramid Model, providing an opportunity to explore the tiers of this framework designed to enhance social and emotional skills for all children.
What is emotional regulation and how can we support children to understand and regulate thier emotions?
The first in a series of short videos: Introduction to Inclusion - 'What is inclusion?' discusses the principles and terminology surrounding the practice of inclusion in early childhood settings.
How trauma affects development, and how educators can help children affected by trauma.
Understanding sensory processing in young children of all abilities and learning about how different children might be experiencing the preschool environment from a sensory perspective.
Understand how your preschool's sensory environment impacts on children and can be used to maximise participation and learning.
Focussing on the importance of critical thinking and questioning the impact of practise on children and families, using an inclusive lens.
What self-regulation is, Recognising signs of dis-regulation and how educators can support the development of self-regulation.
Learn about speech and language development, red flags for communication disorders and how to make the most of the Nurturing Communication Toolkit
What do educators need to think about and do when they have concerns about a child's developmental progress?
Exploring working together in collaboration with families and professionals. Presented by Kerry Staples, academic, early childhood education, Western Sydney University.
Examining the importance of including children with disabilities in early childhood settings and how early childhood inclusion is a key aspect of early intervention.
Exploring the principles of positive behaviour support, a tiered approach to prevention and intervention of challenging behaviour within an early childhood context and strategies to determine the function or purpose of a challenging behaviour.
Exploring an autistic person’s lived experiences of autism and of parenting and teaching Autistic children. Thinking about reframing the way we view autism.
Part 1: Exploring the concept of creating Playspaces as a secure base for young children. Presented by Robyn Dolby, psychologist and co-founder of Secure Beginnings. Part 2: Sharing first-hand knowledge of how the implementation of Playspaces can look and the impact within a setting. Presented by Gianna Black, KU teacher/director, with training and extensive experience using Circle of Security Parenting and in the Playspace® Learning Program.
Examining the current transition to school processes across all school settings and the role educators can play in supporting a smooth transition for children with disabilities and their families.
Understand how the NDIS early childhood approach (formally known as ECEI approach) can support children with a disability or developmental delay.
This webinar explores supporting a mentally healthy community; Children’s social and emotional learning and resilience; Risk and protective factors and how educators can support resilience for all children; Free tools and resources to promote resilience in young children. By Emma Woods and Karin Humphrey (Be You).
An individual learning plan (ILP) is a requirement for all children for whom you receive high learning support needs funding through the Disability and Inclusion Program.
Are all educators at your preschool confident in developing and implementing ILPs effectively?
A webinar discussing what it means to be gifted and twice-exceptional and how educators can support these children in preschool settings.
Learn how to work with families from diverse backgrounds, as they navigate disability and developmental difference.
Presented by Lisa Teager – Sound Scouts Partnerships Manager