For more information about Supporting communication development and using this guide book along side the Show and Share game set, watch the Nurturing Communication webinar or contact your KU Preschool Inclusion Consultant.
Nurturing Communication Guidebook
- Inclusion best practice
- Communication
A guidebook full of practical strategies to build educators’ competence in nurturing communication. Designed to be used alone or alongside the Show and Share boardgame: Nurturing Communication card pack.
An Introduction to Key Word Sign
This webinar will discuss the 'what', 'why' and 'how' of using Key Word Sign in the preschool setting.
- Key Word Sign
- Communication
Raising Concerns with Families
This webinar will outline helpful strategies to reach successful outcomes with families and includes the ‘how’, ‘when’ and ‘where’ of raising concerns, from identification of concerns, through to building a positive ongoing partnership with families.
- Families
- Inclusion best practice
Inclusion Ready News - Issue 1 May 2020
A quarterly inclusion newlsetter produced by the KU Sector Capacity Building Program. Issue 1 - May 2020
- Inclusion best practice
- Inclusion Planning