This fact sheet helps preschools to support families who may be considering an extra year in preschool for a child who is turning 6 during the coming school year. Outlining criteria and procedures for applying for an exemption certificate, as well as the implications for preschools.
School Exemption Fact Sheet
- Transitions
- Families
A fact sheet about applying for an exemption from school enrolment certificate.
Ready Set School Guide for Early Childhood Practitioners
A downloadable information book for Early Childhood practictioners to guide them in supporting the smooth transition of children with additional needs from the early childhood setting to school. Developed by Reimagine Australia.
- Transitions
- Inclusion best practice
Consent to communicate with external professionals
A template to make documenting family's consent for information sharing between stakeolders quick and easy.
- Families
- Collaboration
Inclusion Ready News - Issue 3 October 2020
A quarterly inclusion newlsetter produced by the KU Sector Capacity Building Program. Issue 3 - October 2020
- Transitions
- Inclusion best practice