Supporting a Positive Transition to Preschool - For Educators
- Transitions
A tip sheet for educators about how they can support children to have a smooth start to their time at Preschool.
Social script
'I'm Starting Preschool' - A Social Script - Urdu
Social script template, in Urdu, to support smooth transitions into preschool. Insert images of your preschool to individualise this story.
- Transitions
- Social script
Inclusion Ready News - Issue 8 February 2022
A quarterly inclusion newsletter produced by the KU Sector Capacity Building Program. Issue 8 - February 2022
- Transitions
- Covid-19
Ready Set School Guide for Early Childhood Practitioners
A downloadable information book for Early Childhood practictioners to guide them in supporting the smooth transition of children with additional needs from the early childhood setting to school. Developed by Reimagine Australia.
- Transitions
- Inclusion best practice