Ready Set School Guide for Parents
- Transitions
- Families
An downloadable information book for parents of children with additional needs to guide them through the transition to school process. Developed by Reimagine Australia.
Inclusion Ready News Term 4 2023
A quarterly inclusion newsletter produced by the KU Sector Capacity Building Program. Term 4 2023
- Transitions
- Inclusion best practice
Supporting a Positive Transition to Preschool - For Families
A tip sheet for families about how they can support their child to have a smooth start to their time at Preschool.
- Transitions
- Families
Social script
'I'm Starting Preschool' - A Social Script - Swahili
Social script template, in Swahili, to support smooth transitions into preschool. Insert images of your preschool to individualise this story.
- Transitions
- Social script