Inclusion Ready News Term 3 2023
- Inclusion best practice
- Professional Learning
A quarterly inclusion newsletter produced by the KU Sector Capacity Building Program. Term 2, 2023.

Delving deeper into Playspaces®
Discussing how the Playspaces® approach can be successfully implemented in inclusive early childhood settings
- Professional Learning
- Inclusive Environments

Introduction to Inclusion 1 - 'What is Inclusion?'
The first in a series of short videos: Introduction to Inclusion - 'What is inclusion?' discusses the principles and terminology surrounding the practice of inclusion in early childhood settings.
- Inclusion best practice
- Benefits of Inclusion

Inclusion Ready News - Issue 1 May 2020
A quarterly inclusion newlsetter produced by the KU Sector Capacity Building Program. Issue 1 - May 2020
- Inclusion best practice
- Inclusion Planning