Inclusion together: a map for working better together
- Inclusion Planning
- Collaboration

Inclusion Together provides practical tools for supporting a child's learning, development and inclusion in an early childhood education and care service. This resource is designed to support the inclusion of children with disability or developmental differences through building an inclusion team that works well together. It may also be useful when adults are responding to other barriers to inclusion that children may experience - Link to website

First steps in responding to developmental concerns
Do you have developmental concerns about a child at your preschool, but are not sure what to do next? This practical two-part webinar will help you to put a plan in place.
- Inclusion Planning
- Developmental concerns

Inclusion Ready News - Issue 1 May 2020
A quarterly inclusion newlsetter produced by the KU Sector Capacity Building Program. Issue 1 - May 2020
- Inclusion best practice
- Inclusion Planning

Getting to know your child
A PDF form to support communication between families and preschools and open a dialogue about any learning supports or program modifications individual children may need.
- Families
- Collaboration