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Delving deeper into early intervention and inclusion in early childhood

Tim Moore
Dr Tim Moore

Child psychologist, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Community Child Health at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute.

  • Inclusion best practice
  • Professional Learning


Examining how educators and the preschool environment play a pivotal role in supporting children with disabilities to be capable learners.

This podcast follows on from Tim's presentation in our Webinar series Hot topics in inclusion and further discusses the pivotal role of the Early Childhood sector in early intervention for children with disabilities. In this Podcast Tim responds to the following questions:

  1. How do we ensure that the Early Childhood Education sector develops a deeper understanding of the importance of their pivotal role in early childhood intervention?
  2. You’ve discussed that the preschool environment can contribute to a child’s disability. Can you explain this further?
  3. If we create a preschool environment which minimises the impact of a child’s disability, for example lots of flexibility and choice about what the child engages in and when, are we setting them up for failure when they go to school where there is less flexibility? How can we prepare children for the structural changes between the preschool and school environment whilst still implementing early childhood best practice?
  4. What are the 3 key messages you would like educators to take away in relation to this area of inclusion?
  5. What would be one practical step you could recommend educators implement in their practice?

About our speaker

A child psychologist by training, Dr Tim Moore is a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Community Child Health (CCCH) at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Melbourne. He heads a small team with responsibility for monitoring, reviewing and synthesising research literature on a wide range of topics relating to child development, family functioning and service systems. He has been the principal writer on numerous Centre for Community Child Health reviews, reports and policy briefs, many of which have had a significant impact on policy and practice, nationally and internationally. Prior to joining CCCH, Tim worked as an educational and developmental psychologist in a variety of settings, including early childhood intervention services for young children with developmental disabilities and their families. He has taken a leading role nationally in the development of policy and training in the early childhood intervention field.

Watch the full webinar to learn more about early intervention and inclusion in early childhood settings.