Inclusion Ready News Term 3 2022
- Inclusion best practice
- Professional Learning

A quarterly inclusion newsletter produced by the KU Sector Capacity Building Program. Term 3, 2022.

More than Belonging: Working Together to Enhance Being and Becoming.
Exploring working together in collaboration with families and professionals. Presented by Kerry Staples, academic, early childhood education, Western Sydney University.
- Inclusion best practice
- Professional Learning

Transition to school for children with disabilities.
Examining the current transition to school processes across all school settings and the role educators can play in supporting a smooth transition for children with disabilities and their families.
- Transitions
- Professional Learning
Nurturing Communication Guidebook
A guidebook full of practical strategies to build educators’ competence in nurturing communication. Designed to be used alone or alongside the Show and Share boardgame: Nurturing Communication card pack.
- Inclusion best practice
- Communication